



■手軽に遊べるシミュレーションゲーム / Easy to play SLG
/ Estimated play time : 2h
/ The building has few restrictions, it’s simple.
/ The map is neither too wide nor too narrow.
/ There are 7 types of maps.
/ There are 38 types of buldings.
/ There are 28 types of visitors.

■ここを頑張ってます! / I’m focusing on …!
/ Status names and characters like RPGs.
/ All graphics are self-made.
/ Challenge to create English mode.
/ Original SLG made from WOLF RPG Editor.
/ A little conscious of SDGs.

■やりこみ要素 / Elements for game enjoy
・実績 / Achievement
/ Buildings and Visitor collection.
/ Be aware of population pyramids and line graphs.
/ Test your sense of landscape creation.

